
Trends and know-how in biotech and downstream purification.

How to improve peptide purification for affordable insulin

The global diabetes pandemic has created a massive demand for insulin, especially in China, which is expected to have half the world’s diabetes patients soon. Meeting this demand means developing...

How to improve process efficiency and economy in peptide production

The purity requirements for therapeutic peptides are very stringent, but synthesis generates a crude peptide mixture containing failed sequences and chemical variants, while recombinant peptides have...

QuickTip #5: Filter everything

Filtering is crucial in order to protect the packed column from all solid particles in feeds or eluents. Clogging of the column will increase back-pressure and disturb the feed loading zone causing...

QuickTip #3: optimizing mAb purification

Designing an optimized purification process means maximizing yield and purity, and at the same time controlling costs. So, you remove a lot of bulk impurities during the first steps, and focus on...

QuickTip #2: choosing IEX resin

Recovery of your biologically active target substance is a priority, and it’s important to check for its pH and ionic strength stability values...

QuickTip #1: cleaning IEX columns

When an IEX resin has been used for some time, impurities may build up in the column causing loss of resolution or increase in back pressure (shown on the pressure monitor or seen by gap formation on...

Optimizing mAb purification using a guard column

What are the benefits of introducing multimodal ion exchange chromatography as a guard column and could they include a significant increase in mAb purity? This article presents a study in which two...